Possible Bodies

Prospect > Information Leaflet for Users of Somatic Design

Item number: 052
Item title: Prospect > Information Leaflet for Users of Somatic Design
Author(s) of the item: Jara Rocha, Femke Snelting
Year in which the item emerged culturally or was produced industrially: 2015
Entry of the item into the inventory: 7 May 2017
Activities in which the item participated: Somatic Design Exhibition at Bau Design College Barcelona
Inventor(s) for this item: Possible Bodies

Leaflet that circulated at Bau School on the 15th of May of 2015 and consequent days, with the occasion of the convergence of: 1) the student Somatic Design Exhibition > http://blog.baued.es/2015/05/18/disseny-somatic/ and 2) the Interface Manifesto worksession at Hangar > https://interfacemanifesto.hangar.org/index.php/Main_Page

Full size file > http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MpJ2MEOyxPs/VVo3R_FxxTI/AAAAAAAABUA/zzmCvmakW1o/s1600/userinfo-1.jpg
